26 research outputs found

    Analisa Unjuk Kerja Software Defined Radio (SDR) dengan Teknik Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM)

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    The development of wireless communication technology require technology (software and hardware) that can keep up with changing standards. SDR platform is a software-based wireless technology that can keep up with technological developments without changing hardware. WARP is one of SDR platforms developed by American Rice University. This research to determine the performance of the SDR with the QAM technique. The performance system can be seen from BER for different distance between transmitter and receiver and different level QAM. The research was carried in two enviroment (indoor and outdoor) with LOS propagation. The results show that the value of BER 4-QAM in the two enviroment is the smallest than another levels. The value of BER 4-QAM at indoor is 0.0023 and outdoors is 0 for a distance of 6 meters, so the performance of outdoor is better than indoor. SDR performance can be improved using QAM techniques

    The Performance of SISO in Wireless Open-access Research Platform (WARP) Using QAM Modulation

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    This paper shows the implementation of SISO communication system using QAM modulation in WARP. The performance of the proposed system is evaluated in terms of BitError-Rate (BER) for different M-array level: 4, 8, and 16 in indoor and outdoor environments, both using LOS condition. In the analysis results, SISO performance with 4-QAM modulation achieves better performance compared to 8-QAM and 16-QAM for both environments. Meanwhile, SISO performance with QAM modulation in outdoor environment achieves better results compared to indoor environment for different M-array level. In indoor environment with transmitted power -26 dBm, BER achieved for 4-QAM, 8-QAM, and 16-QAM are 1.33 × 10−4, 2.078 × 10−2, and 8.76 × 10−2, respectively. While in outdoor environment with the same transmitted power, BER achieved for 4-QAM, 8-QAM, and 16-QAM are 0, 1.497 × 10−2 and 5.928 × 10−2, respectively. SISO performance using M-QAM modulation is better than using M-PSK modulatio


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    Teknologi telekomunikasi khususnya pada sistem komunikasi nirkabel mengalami perkembangan yang pesat. Perkembangan ini mempengaruhi perkembangan alat telekomunikasi yang beredar di masyarakat. Hal ini sangatlah tidak praktis karena diharuskan mengganti alat telekomunikasi setiap ada perkembangan standart dan aplikasi. Aplikasi yang mampumenyesuaikan standart dan aplikasi tanpa merubah komponen yang sudah ada merupakan cara untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut dan ini ada di Software Defined Radio (SDR). Salah satukomponen SDR yang sedang berkembang saat ini adalah Wireless Open Access Research Platform (WARP). WARP adalah sebuah desain platform open-access tingkat tinggi yang sangat mampu, scalable, dan extensible untuk penelitian sistem komunikasi nirkabel.Tujuan penelitian adalah merancang sebuah sistem single-input single-output (SISO) yang dapat diimplementasikan pada WARP dengan teknik modulasi PSK. Sistem komunikasi SISO merupakan dasar dari semua sistem komunikasi nirkabel, sehingga hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan dasar bagi penelitian sistem komunikasi lainnya dan metode modulasi lainnya. Nilai BER yang dihasilkan lebih besar untuk pengukuran di lingkungan indoor dibandingkan di lingkungan outdoor.Kata Kunci: SISO, WARP, PSK, Indoor, Outdoo

    Design and Build a Water Pump Protection Tool Using IOT (Internet Of Things) Based Water Flow Sensor

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    Water is often taken with the help of a pump to remove water from the well to be filled into the reservoir.However, often during the dry season, many pumping machines are damaged because the pump is on but thewater in the well (source) is empty and no one knows it, so the pump engine does not turn off, therefore it cancause the pump to fail. be damaged. This study designed a system that can monitor the flow of water using theBlynk application. Monitoring is carried out using a smartphone with a NodeMCU ESP8266 microcontrollerconnected to the internet network. The sensor used is a water flow sensor to detect the flow of water. The Blynkapplication is used by the user as a data display for the NodeMCU ESP8266 microcontroller which is integratedinto the internet network. The results of the research water flow sensor has worked well on the water pump.After testing the distance, the distance is detected indefinitely provided that the microcontroller and the blynkapplication are connected to the internet network, and do not experience internet network trouble

    Optimasi Kualitas Jaringan WLAN Berdasarkan Coverage Area dan Jumlah Pengguna di Fakultas Teknologi Industri UNISSULA

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    WLAN is a wireless telecommunications network in the process of distributing data or information. This network is easier and economical to build because without having to do the design of cable lines and no need for cables as devices. In the main building of the Faculty of Industrial Technology UNISSULA already has a WLAN network, but there are blankspots in several areas. The layout and number of Access Points (AP) greatly affect the quality of the WLAN signal, besides the number of users. Optimization is done by comparing the number of AP exiting with the number of APs based on the coverage area and number of users. The parameters used for network quality are signal strength more than -75 dBm and Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) of more than 25 dB. Retrieval of existing network quality data with walktest method using the Ekahau Site Survey software. The quality of signal strength and SNR based on the coverage area is calculated using the COST 231 Multiwall method, while those based on the number of users are calculated using the ratio of Airtime per Device (APD) to Number of Device (NoD). The next step, simulating the AP layout using the Ekahau Site Survey software. The research concluded that each floor only requires 2 pieces AP. The percentage value of signal strength> -75 dBm after optimization is 86%, 89.8%, and 87.4% for floors 1, 2, and 3 respectively. While the SNR percentage values> 25 dB after optimization are 81.1%, 86.3%, and 84.5% for floors 1, 2, and 3 respectively.

    Design of Monitoring Lighting Counter Based on Android Application (Case Study at Tower BTS INDOSAT OOREDOO Site Utara Jepara 14JPA010)

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    The need for information through a monitoring system on BTS tower equipment is very necessary, including monitoring lightning strike protection. To find out whether there is a strike on the BTS, usually, technicians have to come to the BTS location to see the impact of the strike in the form of damage to the arrester, or other damage and even seek information from residents around the BTS location. The location of the BTS location is far from the head office, of course this is not effective.This research is the development of a counter lighting system designed to monitor and detect lightning strikes from a distance. By using Arduino Uno, ethernet shield, current sensor and android smart phone. The information displayed on the android smart phone is the location of the BTS tower, the time and magnitude of the strike current. The lighting protection monitoring tool based on android operation using the PZEM-004T module is a system designed and utilized to read the presence of lightning strikes which include the current flowing in the BTS tower grounding system.The test results show that the lighting protection monitoring tool using the PZEM-004T module can measure and display the current value and when a strike occurs, in real time and stored in the database. Based on the test results, it can be concluded that the results of the design of the lighting protection monitoring tool have a deviation (error) of 9,64% and a current of 12,5%

    Peningkatan Literasi Digital Masyarakat Desa Manggihan Kecamatan Getasan Kabupaten Semarang melalui Pengenalan Jam Digital Masjid

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    Masyarakat Desa Manggihan yang rata-rata bermatapencaharian sebagai peternak sapi dan petani kebun/sayuran, telah memiliki tingkat pengetahuan teknologi yang cukup lumayan, meskipun belum banyak yang mengenyam pendidikan hingga jenjang perguruan tinggi. Ini dibuktikan telah banyak masyarakat yang memanfaatkan ponsel atau smartphone sebagai alat komunikasi sehari-hari, meskipun sebatas untuk telepon, sms, bermain games maupun berkomunikasi melalui media sosial. Terutama generasi mudanya yang sudah mulai terbiasa dengan berbagi fitur yang ada di smartphone mereka. Meskipun begitu masih banyak fitur smartphone yang belum termanfaatkan secara optimal. Terlebih fitur dan aplikasi smartphone yang dapat mengendalikan perangkat lain yang berupa non-ponsel, masyarakat masih sangat minim mengetahui tentang itu. Peningkatan literasi digital melalui pelatihan penggunaan perangkat jam digital masjid berbasis Android yang berlokasi di Masjid Al-Huda Dusun Pendem dan Masjid Al-Ikhlas Dusun Seturun Desa Manggihan Kecamatan Getasan Kabupaten Semarang ini, masyarakat dapat memperoleh informasi teknologi tentang: fitur-fitur smartphone Android berikut pemanfatannya dan cara pengoperasian prangkat jam digital masjid berbasis Android. Pengenalan dan pelatihan dapat berjalan secara sangat baik karena didukung oleh berbagai faktor, antara lain: peserta pelatihan yang sudah dapat mengoperasikan Android, sinyal operator yang memadai, metode pelatihan langsung, kelengkapan modul dan video tutorial, kerjasama dan kolaborasi tim tutor dengan peserta pelatihan, serta penyerahan perangkat jam digital masjid sehingga dapat langsung dimanfaatkaan.The people of Manggihan Village, whose average livelihood is as cattle breeders and garden/vegetable farmers, already have a fairly decent level of technological knowledge, although not many have received education up to university level. It has been proven by many people who use cellphones or smartphones as a means of daily communication, even though it is limited to calling, texting, playing games or communicating through social media. Especially the younger generation who are getting used to sharing the features on their smartphones. Even so, there are still many smartphone features that have not been utilized optimally. Moreover, smartphone features and applications that can control other non-mobile devices, people still have very little knowledge about it. Increasing digital literacy through training in the use of Android-based digital clock devices of mosque located at the Al-Huda Mosque in Pendem Hamlet and Al-Ikhlas Mosque in Seturun Hamlet, Manggihan Village, Getasan District, Semarang Regency, the public can obtain technological information about Android smartphone features and their utilities, and how to operate an android-based mosque digital clock device. The introduction and training were done very well because it is supported by various factors, including trainees who can already operate Android, adequate operator signals, direct training methods, completeness of modules and video tutorials, collaboration of tutor teams with training participants, and submission of the mosque's digital clock so that it can be used immediately

    Pengujian Penggunaan Teknologi UHF RFID untuk Pendataan Barang dalam Kotak pada Kendaraan Bergerak

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    Teknologi inventarisasi barang saat ini telah berkembang dengan adanya sistem pendataan yang baik menggunakan sistem informasi database, akan tetapi pendataan masih dilakukan secara manual dan satu persatu. Penerapan teknologi UHF RFID untuk pendataan barang sudah umum digunakan tetapi terkendala dengan jarak dan posisi barang yang statis serta mengharuskan membuka kotak penyimpanan jika barang ada di dalam kotak. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengujian untuk pendataan barang di dalam kotak yang bergerak menggunakan teknologi UHF RFID, dengan tujuan mempermudah pendataan barang tanpa membuka kotak, tanpa mengecek satu persatu, meskipun barang dalam kondisi bergerak. Metode pengujian ini dilakukan dengan menempatkan barang yang sudah tertempel 30 Tag RFID kedalam kotak pada kendaraan yang bergerak dengan kecepatan maksimum 60 km/jam. Pendataan barang menggunakan 2 jenis Tag RFID (stiker dan kartu) pada barang dengan 6 sisi arah hadap dan jarak antara reader terhadap Tag RFID maksimal 4 Meter. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu kecepatan maksimal untuk pembacaan RFID Tag Stiker adalah 20 km/jam dengan jarak maksimal pembacaannya 2 m sedangkan kecepatan maksimal untuk pembacaan RFID Tag Kartu adalah 40 km/jam dengan jarak maksimal pembacaannya 3 m. Performa arah hadap pembacaan antara RFID Reader dengan RFID Tag adalah arah hadap depan. Jenis kotak penyimpanan barang dengan material plastik memiliki tingkat keberhasilan pembacaan 100%

    ESC Fullbridge 3 Fasa Motor BLDC Berdaya Besar Menggunakan Kontroler Arduino

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    Dalam teknologi elektronika daya banyak peralatan menggunakan motor brushless DC (BLDC) yang memerlukan Electronic Speed Control (ESC), alat ini digunakan untuk mengatur daya pada motor BLDC. Saat ini team mobil listrik untuk lomba belum memiliki ESC motor BLDC buatan sendiri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat ESC motor bldc berdaya besar untuk mengatur kecepatan motor bldc mobil listrik dengan komponen elektronika yang ada dan mudah didapatkan dipasaran, umumnya ESC motor BLDC yang ada dipasaran adalah ESC berdaya kecil yang menggunakan kontroler IC 555. Metode pengaturan tegangan-arus ESC menggunakan teknik sinyal PWM, menggunakan teknik switching full bridge 3 fasa menggunakan 6 buah (3 pasang) mosfet berdaya besar, pulsa tegangan PWM dikontrol dengan mikrokontroler arduino nano dengan driver mosfet supaya arus gate mosfet dapat terpenuhi, kemudian keluaran ESC dihubungkan ke motor BLDC. ESC yang dibuat mempunyai spesifikasi fullbridge 3 fasa, tegangan input maksimum mosfet 200V, arus maksimum mosfet paralel 520A, duty cycle bervariasi 10 -100% diatur melalui potensio, pada saat berhenti output PWM dapat dimatikan melalui sebuah saklar. Hasil pengetesan hardware dengan bantuan software pengetesan ESC dapat berfungsi dengan baik, motor BLDC dapat berputar hingga 51.6 Krpm, ditemukan bahwa kualitas driver mosfet sangat berpengaruh pada proses switching